Renai AllergiesChapter 32
Comedy Drama Mature Romance

"Come on! Touch me." Satoko is a 24-year-old woman who runs away from an isolated countryside to start a new life in a big city. One day, her mother calls her and tells her she's found Satoko a man to marry! Satoko would rather die... When her boss Taichi, an awkward guy with thick glasses, worries about her, she wonders if he would make a kind boyfriend. Satoko makes her move on him, but finds he's packing more than she can handle...!

Shouganai kara Aishite AgeruChapter 5.5
Comedy Romance Smut

Sako Miyamura is your average, everyday office worker with an unparalleled thing for suits! She especially can't get enough of her handsome, intelligent, stylish, and hotshot coworker, Eiji Miya, in his suit! Their relationship suddenly takes a turn when Eiji calls Sako out for her constantly staring at him in the file room. So popular with his coworkers that he's stopped paying attention to them, Eiji unwittingly bites off more than he can chew when his excessively narcissistic choice of words to Sako inevitably land him in hot water...